If your child turns 11 between 1 September 2024 and 31 August 2025, he or she will transfer to secondary school in September 2025. From Monday 2 September the website www.sthelens.gov.uk/admissions is open for parents who wish to apply online.
Before submitting your application, please read the Secondary Admissions Booklet which contains useful information about the application process, including: how places will be allocated, definition of home address and how late applications will be dealt with.
Also, consider how your child will get to school and the potential costs. Can I apply for assistance with transport to school?
Clarify any issues your are not sure about with staff in the school admissions team on 01744 671035 or email schooladmissions@sthelens.gov.uk
If your child is in year 6 at primary school and their date of birth is between 1 September 2013 to 31 August 2014 you can apply for a secondary school place for your child to start in September 2025.
Before applying, please read the secondary school composite prospectus which has important information about the application process and explains how school places will be allocated.
Secondary composite prospectus 2025/26
The online application portal