Rainhill High School is the lead school in Stephenson Multi Academy Trust.
As charity trustees, they must also ensure that they are complying with charity law requirements. Academy trusts are charitable companies and the trustees are company directors and must comply with company law requirements.
For any MAT queries, please contact Mrs Kelley Black, Clerk to the Trustees.
Start date – 10 December 2019
Meeting Attendance for 23-24 - 50%
Work Title / Company: Talent Manager - The Baird Group
Start Date - 13.01.2025
Meeting Attendance 23-24 - N/A
Work Title/Company: Contracts Assignment at Michael Page Europe
Start Date - 13.01.2025
Work Title/Company: HR Business Partner (Medical Workforce), St Helens & Knowsley Hospitals Trust
Start date – 01.03.2018
End date – 01.03.2026
Appointed by Members
Appointed to Member Board by Members - 13.01.2025
Meeting Attendance for 23-24 - 100%
Interest declared
Work Title/Company: Assistant Director for Transport, Environmental and Operational Services Warrington Borough Council
"I attended Rainhill High School from 1976 to 1983 and received an excellent education. I became a Governor to put something back into the school I received so much from. I passionately believe in comprehensive education and the right of every child to have access to a good / outstanding school. My two children attend the school."
Start Date - 08.01.2024
End Date - 08.01.2028
Appointed by Members
Interests Declared
Meeting Attendance for 23-24 - 80%
Work Title/ Company: Headteacher - Cronton CE Primary School
Start Date - 15.12.2023
End Date - 15.12.2027
Appointed by Members
Meeting Attendance for 23-24 - 100%
Interest declared - None
Work Title/Company: Retired Principal of a College of Further Education
"I have been involved with Rainhill High School and Stephenson Academy for more than ten years. I have served as a Governor and as a Trustee and a Member. I have now returned to the Board of Trustees. I am proud and privileged to have been involved with the school over this period. I believe passionately that all children should be able to attend a good local school and effective governance helps schools achieve this."
Start date – 25.04.2023
End date – 25.04.2027
Appointed by Members
Meeting Attendance for 23-24 - 87%
Interest declared - Parent of a student at the school
Work Title/Company: Retired Police Officer
"I am a retired Police Officer with 26 years service having worked in intelligence and investigations for the bulk of my career. My key skill areas are in communication, leadership, relationship development/management, planning and organising, process improvement and training and mentoring.
I spent time on the Local Academy Committee as a Community Governor and the Chair of Governors. I’m excited and positive about the Schools future, look forward to the challenges ahead and being a part of an already successful School team in its pursuit of excellence."
Start Date - 01.09.2023
End Date - 01.09.2027
Appointed by Members
Interest Declared
Meeting Attendance for 23-24 - 88%
Work Title/Company: Design Engineer at SP Energy Networks.
"As a recent engineering graduate progressing through my early career, I am keen to support the school in preparing pupils for a bright future. It is great for me to have an involvement in the local community where I live and work.
I am acting as a link Governor as I continue to support the LGB after my election to the Trustee Board."
Start Date - 11.09.2024
End Date - 11.09.2028
Appointed by Members
Interests Declared - Parent of a student at the school
Meeting Attendance for 23/24 - N/A
Work Title - Senior Risk and Controls Business Partner, Financial Services
I am proud and excited for the opportunity as a trustee to use my skills and experience gained in 14 years as a risk and control practitioner within the financial services industry to support in enhancing governance within the schools in the Stephenson Multi Academy trust. This will support the schools’ pursuit of excellence to provide the best educational setting and allow students to fulfil their potential.
As a local resident for most of my life and with a son at Rainhill High School, it will be great to help the school continue make a positive contribution within our local community.
Term of office start date: 04.12.2024
Term of office end date: 04.12.2028
Appointed by Members
Interest Declared - Parent of a student at the school
Meeting Attendance for 23-24 - N/A
Work Title/Company: HM Principal Specialist Inspector of Health & Safety for the Health & Safety Executive (HSE)
"I am a HM Principal Specialist Inspector of Health & Safety for the Health & Safety Executive (HSE). I therefore have a lot of experience with UK Health and Safety legislation, especially relating to occupational health issues including stress and mental health.
I was born and raised in St Helens and have been heavily involved in amateur football, including my current position as an FA football coach for my youngest son’s team.
Along with my professional experience, I am a good communicator, listener and have a forward-thinking passion for improving education."
Term of office start date: 07.03.25
Term of office end date: 07.03.29
Appointed by Members
Interest Declared - None
Work Title/Company: Strategy Lead at The Very Group
"As a former pupil of Rainhill High from 2007-2012, I know how much of a positive impact the school has on its pupils and wider community. It has been great to see the MAT grow and thrive since then.
I am looking forward to playing a role in the MATs future and hope that my background in financial planning and analysis will contribute to Stephenson MAT achieving its goals for years to come."
RESIGNED - 28.01.2025
Start date – 10 December 2019
Meeting Attendance for 23-24 - 0%
Work Title / Company : Chairperson of St.Helens Chamber of Commerce / Retired Pilkington Operations Director.
"I retired from Pilkington following a long career. Originally starting as a mechanical engineering apprentice in St.Helens. I attended the University of Liverpool where I gained a 1st Class Honours Degree in Mechanical Engineering and later the University of Lancaster for a Masters in Business Administration (MBA). I have help many senior roles in Pilkington in Engineering, Production & General Management and prior to retirement a Strategic Directors role. I have also experienced working not only in the UK but around Europe and six years in North America.
Since 2012 I have been a board member of the St.Helens Chamber of Commerce and in 2019 became the Chairperson. I find being involved with this charity extremely rewarding due to assisting many young people every year take their first steps in employment, normally through apprenticeships. We also assist new business start-ups, offer training to Chamber members and general networking between established businesses throughout the St.Helens Borough.
In my role as a Member of the MAT I hope to provide a perspective from my private sector industrial experience and as a potential future employer. In addition to my extensive experience with apprenticeships."
RESIGNED - 28.01.2025
Start date - 3 February 2021
End date – 2 February 2025
Appointed by Members
Meeting Attendance for 23-24 - 87%
Interest declared - None
Work Title/Company: Retired Chartered Electrical Engineer
"I was originally invited to join the Governors by David Aitken the previous Head Master, as at the time Rainhill High School was considering becoming an Engineering Specialist College. It was and still is a great privilege and honour to be a Trustee of this school. Most of my family have attended Rainhill High or Huyton Secondary, the original school, and my father also taught here for many years. Fundamentally though, it’s great to give something back to a School that provided a fantastic education to me, my son Mark and my daughter Rachel. As a Trustee, it’s important to be a critical friend and remain objective. This ensures that emotion does not play a part in ensuring that the environment and resources provide a 1st class educational experience to all who attend, in line with agreed budgets. It’s great to be part of the Board of Trustees working with the team at Rainhill High in dealing with the continual changes and challenges education faces today. It’s also great to bring commercial and business experience back to the School that provided such a sound footing. In one way or another I’ve been involved with the School now for over 40 years and I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing in the success of the staff and students every academic year. The presentations, shows and award events continually demonstrate what a great place Stephenson Multi Academy Trust actually is."
RESIGNED - 26/11/2024
Start Date - 1st Sep 2023
End Date - 1st Sep 2027
Appointed by Members
Interests Declared - None
Meeting Attendance for 23-24 - 94%
Work Title/ Company:
Senior case Manager, ESFA
I am currently working for the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) in the Academies & Maintained School Group (AMSG) as a Senior Case Manager. My day to day work involves liaising with Trusts and Academies and dealing with operational issues that may arise. Currently in my team at the ESFA I am one of the Safeguarding Lead Officers for the Lancs & West Yorkshire geographical area. I am the national lead for one of the largest Trusts in the country and maintain operational oversight with both strategic and operational issues throughout their estate of Academies.
Previously I had 20 years experience in the Local Authority field, with my most recent post there working closely and collaboratively with schools in the St Helens LA area. I have several years experience in governance, having operated both as a Governor in a maintained primary school in St Helens and as a Governor at a special school.”
Trustee Start date – 17 May 2021
Trustee End date – 16 May 2025
Appointed by Members
Interests Declared - None
Meeting Attendance 23-24 - 38%
Work Title/Company: HR Business Partner (Medical Workforce), St Helens & Knowsley Hospitals Trust
"I am extremely excited and proud to join Rainhill High as a Trustee and plan to fully utilise and share my wealth of experience, skills and knowledge as a HR Professional (within the NHS) in supporting the school strive to achieve its long term vision and goals.
If my input and contribution can make a small difference to the lives and education of young people, staff, parents and the local community then that’s a success!"
RESIGNED - 13/04/2024
Start Date - 1st Sep 2022
End Date - 1st Sep 2026
Appointed by Members
Interests Declared - None
Meeting Attendance for 23-24 - 25%
Work Title/ Company:
Divisional Finance Manager, Countryside Properties UK
"I am a chartered accountant and have worked within chemical manufacturing and now property development.
I believe that every young person should have access to excellent education but also understand the challenges faced within the sector in delivering that education.
I hope that using the skills I have developed within finance that I can support in overcoming the challenges and delivering the best possible education for the young people at Rainhill High School."