Uniform Guidance | Rainhill High School

Uniform Guidance

Rainhill High School have a clear code of uniform with an online shop accessed via our school website where you can purchase items of uniform to be delivered.

School Uniform

We have spoken to our uniform supplier Price & Buckland, who have provided guidance for sizing your child at https://price-buckland.co.uk/parent-zone/how-to-measure-your-child/.

You are able to order your child’s school blazer, jumper, PE kit and socks direct from their website. We would advise that you choose the option to have items delivered to your home address and not to the school.

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During periods of hot weather – once the temperature goes above 20 degrees Celsius, students will be allowed to remove jumpers and blazers but should still appear smart – i.e. shirt tucked in and wearing a tie.

This is in line with guidelines from the H&S Executive, World Health Organisation and Department for Education.

There is a Pre Loved Uniform bank in the school with many items available at no charge. Please email Kelley.Black@rainhillhigh.org.uk to request items.