Business (Enterprise) - KS4 | Rainhill High School

Business (Enterprise) - KS4

The beauty of Business is, wherever you go, it will be a business! Either one you start up yourself or one you join.

Business (Enterprise)

Aims to develop an understanding of how to set up and operate a small enterprise. This includes investigating actual enterprises in the local area. By the end of the qualification you will have developed knowledge about enterprises, marketing, finance and factors affecting success. There are three components – exploring enterprise, promotion and finance and planning an enterprise activity. The subject is constantly evolving around us all and is a very dynamic subject to study. Enterprise develops skills that will be relevant to you wherever you go – sixth form, apprenticeships, university and employment.

Business (Enterprise) - KS4

Reading for Pleasure

Book TitlePublishing InformationWhat's it about?
How I Made It: 40 Successful Entrepreneurs Reveal How They Made MillionsKogan Page 9780749460525Successful Entrepreneurs are interviewed about how the spotted a gap in a market and developed a USP.
The Google StoryBantam 9780385342735An interesting investigation into the culture at Google, includes insights into the four day working week and soft management styles.
Business Stripped Bare: Adventures of a Global EntrepreneurVirgin Books 9781905264438The autobiography of one of Britain’s most famous entrepreneurs.
House of Cards: How Wall Street's Gamblers Broke CapitalismPenguin 9780141039596Explains the reason behind the continuing global financial crisis, which started in September 2008.

Text Books

BTEC Tech Award Enterprise Student Book 2nd editionPearson9781292279343
Revise BTEC Tech Award Enterprise Revision GuidePearson9781292245607
Pearson REVISE BTEC Tech Award Enterprise Practice Assessments PlusPearson9781292341781


Website AddressDescription of what is offeredPassword
Quizlet – Component 3 LA A term memory exercises for Learning Aim A of Component 3 (Promotion).N/A
Quizlet – Component 3 LA B term memory exercises for Learning Aim B of Component 3 (Financial Records).N/A
Quizlet – Component 3 LA C term memory exercises for Learning Aim A of Component 3 (Financial Planning and Forecasting).N/A


We encourage all of our pupils to engage in enrichment and extra curricular activities in school. We are currently offering the following enrichment in KS3 but for up to date information, please consult the latest edition of the Parent Newsletter.

Social Sciences Enrichment

Activity TitleWhere and WhenWho do I see?
Young EntrepreneursEvery Tuesday after school S209Mr Jarvis
Revision – Component 3Every Monday after school S209Mr Jarvis