Getting Organised | Rainhill High School

Getting Organised

Getting organised is a must, there are lots of things that you can do to make lessons more effective and enjoyable.

Your Key to Success Folder

You are given one at the start of this year-don’t lose it!

Your subject teachers and form tutors will expect you to file everything you are given neatly and in order within it. It must be with you EVERY DAY and is part of your basic and essential equipment .. If you lose it, you will have to pay for a replacement from the school shop which cost £5.00.

What you need

You need to bring the following equipment with you to school each day:

  • Bag
  • Equipment for PE, Technology and Media Arts
  • Pens
  • Reading Book
  • Eraser
  • Pencils
  • A Calculator
  • Ruler
  • Exercise Books
  • Text Books
  • Dictionaries
  • Drawing Pencils

In the classroom

  • Arrive at school on time. You need to be in your form by 8.55am.
  • Come to lessons properly equipped with writing equipment, planner, books and specialist kit for PE and Technology.
  • Listen to your teacher and follow instructions - first time, every time.
  • Stay on tasks in lessons and do not distract or annoy others.
  • Listen to each other and make it as easy as possible for everybody to learn.
  • Record homework in your planner and make sure it is completed and handed in on time.

Starting and finishing lessons

  • Enter your classroom quietly and sensibly when told and stand behind your chair.
  • Remove your outdoor coat and put in on the back of your chair or hang it up.
  • Your teacher will greet you. Greet your teacher.
  • Sit down, ready to learn. Put your lesson equipment, books and planner on your desk.
  • Do as you are asked by staff first time, every time.
  • At the end of the lesson make sure you have recorded in your planner and know what to do.
  • When told to pack away, do so quietly and stand behind your desk.
  • Your teacher will dismiss you. Leave the classroom in an orderly manner.

Around the school

  • Wear your uniform properly at all times. You are an ambassador for our school.
  • Move calmly and quietly around the school. Speak politely to everyone.
  • Respect the school and people’s property. Leave valuable items at home.
  • Remain on the school site unless you have permission to do otherwise.
  • Do not take food out of the dining room.
  • Put litter in the bins provided.
  • Leave toilets as you would wish to find them.

Remember that any request from the school staff should be carried out at once without argument- first time, every time. Always remember to behave safely, sensibly, and politely because people will judge you and our school on how you act. You and the people you are with should always behave in a safe and responsible manner; this should particularly be the case during breaks and lunch time. It is the responsibility of all individuals to conduct themselves in a way that ensures everyone feels safe and free from intimidation.