History | Rainhill High School


Why study history? History is a useful subjects for a career pathway into a number of different fields. Either on its own or combined with other subjects History can lead to a number of exciting career choices. Some examples can be seen below:


Solicitors advise clients on legal issues, using statutes and case law to determine their relevance to their client's problem. Barristers also investigate and advise on legal issues, often the more complex ones, and present the client's case in court if necessary. There may even be an historical element to some legal research, in areas such as planning and property

Working in a gallery or auction house

(perhaps via an Art History degree, though there are also opportunities for non-graduates) or you might want to become an architect or architectural technician, specialising in projects involving listed buildings and heritage areas.

Local or national politics

charity work, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, the Civil Service or the Police. The Armed Forces are also delighted to get recruits with an interest in history; all regiments are proud of their own history! History combined with Government and politics would lead you in this direction

Communications History

graduates generally possess high levels of literacy and critical thinking abilities, so are often suited to careers in communications, particularly advertising, marketing and PR. Other careers include journalism, such as Newspaper or Broadcast Journalist.

Museum guide or re-enactor

This career would work well combined with Drama or Theatre Studies

History plus administration skills

(e.g. Word Processing, Accountancy, Business Management) could lead to you gaining experience in a variety of business careers then taking this, and your interest in history, into working for a heritage charity, or managing a historic property


Having enthusiasm and passion for your subject and wanting to convey this to others lends itself well to teaching. You could specialise in Sixth Form or University lecturing.

Transferable Skills

As well as acquiring a wealth of knowledge, studying History will also help to equip you with a number of highly valued skills that can be applied in many different situations and contexts. Understanding and analysis of issues and events are of key importance to historians and can be applied in many other fields of work. Other skill areas developed in studying history include:

  • an ability for clear expression both oral and written
  • putting forward ideas and arguments in a concise manner
  • gathering, investigating and assessing material
  • condensing facts, ideas and arguments
  • basing conclusions on research
  • synthesising ideas
  • organising material in a logical and coherent way
  • To the many employers who recruit graduates in any discipline, these skills will be more important than the actual subject of your degree