ICT | Rainhill High School


The range of organisations employing graduates from Computing and ICT is extensive. Opportunities exist across retail, financial services, telecommunications, broadcast media, digital media, manufacturing, transport, tourism, the public sector and healthcare. There is growth and demand in cyber security, mobile development, cloud computing and the management of Big Data.

Beyond pure technology roles, some graduates also enter management consultancy firms or corporate roles, while others go into technical writing roles or work freelance.

Some general job titles within ICT and Computing are:

  • applications programmer
  • information systems manager
  • database administrator
  • information technology consultant
  • multimedia programmer
  • software engineer
  • systems analyst
  • systems designer

Computer World's Top Ten IT Skills in high demand (2013):

  1. Programming and Application Development
  2. Project Management
  3. HelpDesk/Technical Support
  4. Security
  5. Business Intelligence/Analytics
  6. Cloud/SaaS
  7. Virtualisation
  8. Networking
  9. Mobile Applications and Device Management
  10. Data Centre