The internet is used every day in almost every home, we all know how useful it can be for research, gaming, keeping in touch with friends and even homework. But, as a parent, do you know what your child is researching, who they are playing games with and who their 'online friends are:
A few tips to help keep them safe are:
These dangers are, unfortunately, all too common. At Rainhill High we take the safety of all our pupils very seriously and plan to actively raise awareness throughout school. "Safer Internet Day" this year is on 5th February. Staff and Pupils will watch films about online dangers and how to report issues. You can also watch these films if you use these external YouTube links, from the official CEOP YouTube page.
Click CEOP is now on Facebook. Update your profile now. It only takes a minute and will go a long way to protecting yourself and your friends.
Visit Facebook PageRemember the WWW is the WORLD wide web, anyone can see what you post so THINK first before you give any personal information out online. Here’s a video to show just how easy it is for your details to fall into the wrong hands