Mental Health and Wellbeing | Rainhill High School

Mental Health and Wellbeing


At Rainhill, student wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to nurturing an environment where every student feels supported, valued, and able to thrive both academically and personally. Our wellbeing provision is coordinated by our Wellbeing Champion, working alongside our Designated Senior Mental Health Lead and pastoral team, to oversee a comprehensive support system that includes:

Key Staff and Services:

  • School Counsellor
  • Pupil Mental Health First Aiders
  • Year Progress Leaders and Student Managers
  • Partnership with KOOTH online counselling

Daily Support:

  • The HUB - our central wellbeing space
  • Wellbeing morning drop-ins
  • Library Quiet Space
  • SHARP online reporting system
  • Wellbeing Club
  • New pupil buddy system
  • Barnardo's Resilience program

We embed mental health awareness throughout school life through PSHE sessions, Children's Mental Health Week, and World Mental Health Day events. Support information is prominently displayed across the school and regularly shared with parents via our newsletter. Through careful use of PEN portraits and a coordinated approach between staff, we ensure every student receives the personalized support they need to flourish.

Please find some useful links below.

Parent Tips for Supporting Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing

Ways to look after your mental health – Anna Freud