Medical photography - There are different sectors with in medical photography you can either go into plastic surgery photography, dentistry, neurosurgery and pathology. The plastic surgeon photographer will take photographs for the plastic surgeon before the surgery and after when the patient has recovered, this showing the patient the dramatic change to how they want to look.
Fashion photography - This is ever growing in popularity as the interest in fashion rises. To take up fashion photography as a career you must make sure you have the right interests and qualifications below are some examples of requirements you may need:
Commercial and industrial photographers capture images used for books, advertisements, catalogs, and wide media. They take pictures of a wide variety of objects and subjects, including models, landscapes, buildings, and merchandise. An industrial photographer might take pictures of machinery, workers, and other products that can be useful to workers in analyzing, public relations, and business strategies. Industrial photography takes place at the site of its use.
News Photographers may be required to work in a dangerous environment when they have to cover events such as natural disasters, accidents, or military or civil conflicts. Photographers should have physical stamina in carrying equipment large distances at times. News photographers can have short, heavy deadlines to meet.